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00006 #include <glib.h>
00007 #include <string.h>
00008 #include <stdio.h>
00019 char ***
00020 dict_get_words (const char *fn, const char *sep, int *wnum)
00021 {
00022   FILE *F = fopen (fn, "r");
00023   char ***words = NULL, *line, *psz, **ws;
00024   int wn = 0, seplen = strlen (sep);
00025   *wnum = 0;
00026   if (F == NULL)
00027     return NULL;
00028   while (fscanf (F, "%a[^\n]\n", &line) != EOF)
00029     {
00030       if ((psz = strstr (line, sep)) != NULL)
00031         {
00032           *psz = 0;
00033           ws = (char **) malloc (2 * sizeof (char *));
00034           ws[0] = g_locale_to_utf8(line, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
00035           ws[1] = g_locale_to_utf8(psz + seplen, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
00036           free(line);
00037           words = (char ***) realloc (words, ++wn * sizeof (char **));
00038           words[wn - 1] = ws;
00039         }
00040       else
00041         free (line);
00042     }
00043   *wnum = wn;
00044   fclose (F);
00045   return (words);
00046 }

Generated on Tue Jun 25 12:02:41 2002 for LearnWords by doxygen1.2.15